Why A Home Inspector Is A Necessity In Buying Or Selling Real Estate

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Whether you’re buying or selling a home on your own or utilizing an agent, we absolutely recommend having a home inspector. It’s their job to go through the entire property to look for any flaws or anything that would need to be updated. Their role is defining minor and major deficiencies, the buyer generally determines the degree of the issue as many times it comes down to preference. Inspectors go beyond just the cosmetic to ensure that everything is up to the necessary standards of a general property. They are part of the necessary team to understanding the proper value of a home to make an informed decision.

As a home buyer, this is beneficial to gain an in-depth understanding of the property. The inspector will take you through every minor detail which may or must need attention. They will help determine if the home is worth the value the seller has put forth. It’s advisable to be with them through the entire process to understand what you need to know to maintain the maximum quality of the property and intimately understand the small nuances.

As a seller, we also recommend you utilize them as they will inform you if anything needs to be fixed or updated on the property so that it remains at the desired value. If you fix the issues before the home goes on the market there is the potential to increase the value of the property. It’s advisable to have a copy of the documentation as any interested party can see that you took the time to ensure the home was up to code and that the property is worth your asking price (we do advise that the buyer get their own inspection regardless).

The inspector has special tools that can discover things which cannot be caught with the naked eye. They do radon testing (which is actually something you can do yourself), ensuring that that the property is secure of the natural radioactive gas. The inspector has a thermal imaging camera which looks for abnormalities in heating, vermin or structural issues which cannot be seen without. A moisture meter is utilized to look for issues of dampness in the structure which can mount into much bigger issues if left unchecked.

The inspector thoroughly combs the property, even looking at all of the utilities big and small. If the furnace or the water heater needs to be fixed it can be costly and definitely influence the purchase price. The foundation is one of the keys to maintaining the strength of the property as that’s what the property rests upon. The roof is also vital as issues with it can be astronomical to the home. Water damage is one the most crucial factors they look for as it can slowly cause devastating damage if it’s not dealt with. They also look for any stains, asbestos, rot and mold. Any little issues can evolve into something bigger down the line, resulting in great expenses.

You want to ensure that the professional is licensed by the Association of Home Inspectors of your province so that you actually get a complete and certified inspection. The cost of a home inspector is roughly $400 – 500. If you’re purchasing a property that’s worth $500,000, it’s a minor drop in the bucket compared to the amount that it can save you immediately and into the future. It is in no way a frivolous expense and it’s something every member of the REC team couldn’t recommend enough.


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