Renovations Can Maximize The Value Of Your Property

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Renovating your property is a good method to get a strong return on your property. Many have seen great financial success by putting in an exceptional amount of elbow grease from house to house. There is an art to flipping a house to maximize value, it's not as simple as putting money into it and just seeing an automatic return on investment. Yes, you can force appreciation, even greatly, but you need to calculate the science behind it as well.

How do you determine what to renovate? You have to look at what’s popular in your particular area before you start demolishing walls. This requires diligent research on what’s trending and what the average buyer is looking for. A pool might have a strong return on investment in some areas, while other areas have no impact at all. A well furnished patio or a remodeled kitchen could be the best course of action instead, or even not at all. Something like a fresh paint job can be very time and cost effective to you, and also help in giving the property a more appealing presentation. What generally creates a stronger value depends on what the neighbours are doing. You always have the option of enlisting the help of a real estate agent to understand what would be best to gain the most appeal and return.

Not every renovation creates a large degree of wealth. Although, it does generally depend on the money and effort you put in. There is definitely the possibility of having a massive return on your wealth, but keep in mind that not every alteration you make will result in a strong return (possibly not even a return at all). This is something you need to understand before you initiate anything in the process. It's important to realize properties are not a set value, certain alterations don't equate exact specific returns.

The Appraisal Institute of Canada has statistics on the recovery rate on every aspect of a property. This is a general percentage range of what your return on investment will be. Depending on what you are looking to improve, it can be as low as 0% up to 100% increase. Let’s say you want to install a gas fireplace which costs $4,000, and the recovery rate is 50%, meaning you would see a $2,000 increase in the value of your home. Generally an updated bathroom and a new roof see the most increase in value, but this might not pertain to your particular property. 

You can definitely do this on your own, but it’s going to take a significant amount of time and effort. If this is something you’re unable to handle, there are a large number of contractors that will be more than willing to aid you. It's encouraged to shop around for prices as this is a rather competitive field. Look at their body of work and ask for references to ensure you are getting what you pay for.

There are so many technical and large scale things to learn, which is inevitable for newcomers, and the internet is a most invaluable source of information. YouTube has dozens of professionals who simply break down the alterations you are looking to achieve. There is a wealth of knowledge to gather online and it’s all free.  

With the right tools, the proper mindset and enough energy, it can be a lot of fun. Renovations don’t have to be exhaustingly stressful. If you have the right equipment and some assistance, it’s not such an impossible task. Don't just think of it as a way to extend the value of the property, think of it as a project that you can learn from; which it very much is. There really isn't such a thing as a project too big, it's all about the time in which you have to accomplish the task. Tearing up and knocking stuff down definitely has a certain appeal, but building something with your hands can be exceptionally exciting and very rewarding. Renovations can gain you considerably more value, you just have to factor research, work, cost and time into what you can gain.


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