Why A Stager Is Important When Selling Your Home


Staging a home is a necessary aspect of the selling process. About a decade ago this wasn’t highly utilized but with growing demand, increased prices and a surplus of buyers, the market has changed. Having a home filled with clutter used to be the norm, it was more acceptable to take the property as is. Staging entails making the home appealing to the average buyer, giving it room to breath and letting the potential buyer have the opportunity to see themselves living in the home. 

The key benefit to staging is making the property show better to any interested party. With a clean and comfortable place, the home will stay more memorable to any potential buyer. This will also increase the market value of property as the perception will be that of a higher quality interior. There will also be a shorter time on the market, as the improved look will have more eyes, generating more potential purchasers. 

Is staging something anyone can do? It is not recommended, as a professional has the experience and data to adjust the look of the room in the most generally appealing way. Without their expertise, it’s possible to have a negative impact on the appearance, making the asking price seem too high. The rooms need to feel balanced, a stager maneuvers through making each area feel tacky or flat. 

The most significant thing that a stager does is alter the furnishings. To present a home at its peak, eliminating the tired dated furniture is a must. The main floor and first room are the areas that require the most focus as most perusers will stay in those areas, and it’s generally where they make their decision. It needs to “wow” anyone walking in. The art and accessories are also a necessary factor to producing a welcoming atmosphere. 

The average cost of a stager is approximately $4,000. This includes all of their advice, a new presentation and new furnishings. This is by no means a frivolous cost as the returns are generally up to 10 times more. It’s a highly utilized aspect of the selling process for a good reason.

Many have this notion that you need to hide the flaws of the home, but that is not the best course of action. Staging a home isn’t about deceiving the potential homeowner, it’s about presenting the property at it’s best. The goal is to highlight the stronger areas, which will detract the shopper from the problematic spots. You want them to fall in love with the possibility of what it can be, not focus on the imperfections. 

If a house is properly staged, it will generally be sold in approximately 2 weeks in the Greater Toronto Area. The average days on market of this region are 23 days. The more appealing the interior of the property is, the faster it will be taken off the market. 

Carmen Wageman, owner of Stage Right, stated in an interview with REC: “There are no secrets to staging, it’s all common sense. The newer and brighter it is, the better it looks. The paint must be a current colour to appeal to the most amount of people and modern sensibilities. Fix things that are broken. Bring in new light fixtures. Update things that don’t cost a lot of money. Make your house look newer and you will gain more money.”

“Furniture and art has to cater to all styles. A transitional approach is the most appealing middle ground, traditional with modern sensibilities catches the most eyes. A high-end luxury feel is what has the strongest influence on a buyer. Don’t go too trendy or too staged. The minimalist look is the most appealing, less is more in this instance.”




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