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Exempt Market Dealer - Disclaimer

Axcess Capital Advisors Inc. is registered as an Investment Fund Manager and Restricted Portfolio Manager in Alberta and as an Exempt Market Dealer in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Ontario.

Distribution and the use of any information related to this email is unauthorized and prohibited. Exempt market products (Private Investments, such as Centurion REIT) are made available through Axcess Capital Advisors Inc. my registered exempt market dealership. This information does not constitute a solicitation for sale or purchase of securities.

This is not an offering of securities. Offerings are made pursuant to an offering memorandum and only available to qualified investors in jurisdictions of Canada who meet certain eligibility or minimum purchase requirements. The risks of investing are outlined and detailed in the applicable offering memorandum and you must review the offering memorandum in detail prior to investing. Investments are not guaranteed or insured and the value of the investments may fluctuate.